New Home Walkthrough!

It’s finally here!! Our home walkthrough before we added any decor/furniture— I wanted you to be able to see the whole thing since I know many of you have been waiting years for this moment, just like we have! There are still some final details coming together— like we need the kitchen island, cabinet hardware, a few more cabinets too, plus some murals and wallpaper to be installed, but you can see the overall layout and most of the details of our new home! And this will be fun to see the difference between now and once it’s furnished. In this video I am sharing some of the why behind my decisions (though I’ll admit I was pretty exhausted when we filmed this, which means I maybe wasn’t super thorough so just let me know if you have questions on anything!). With no further delay… here’s what we’ve been working on the past 3 years!! Hope you like it…

Paint Colors:


Plumbing Fixtures:


Wall Murals:


Lighting that Sparks Controversy: Here’s why I made the selections I did & what I regret!


New Home Paint Colors!!